Freedom From Sufferage
February 20, 2014
“Photo, Print, Drawing Mary Winsor (Penn.) ’17 [holding Suffrage Prisoners Banner].” Mary Winsor (Penn.) ’17 [holding Suffrage Prisoners Banner]. Library of Congress, n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2014.
This image, I feel, expresses that not only women were protesting against suffrage prisoners being treated unfairly. This picture is from the 1920’s when the voting rights for women was past and women could start voting. Although, the women still went to jail for protesting against this and this is what this picture is about. When the women went to jail, they would refuse to eat or be abused for what they have down outside of jail. After the women started protesting for voting rights and started going to jail for it, other civilians started to protest about how the women should not be treated poorly in jail. In this case, these protests are chain reaction and it continued until the problems were fixed. This affects our essential question because every other factor in the voting rights came off the main idea of equality. In this picture, she represents that there is still no inequality for anyone who goes to jail for protesting. By the end, today we still don’t have inequality, but comparing to how conditions in jail used to be, we have definitely improved.
Entry Filed under: Protesting,Women's Sufrage. Posted in Protesting ,Women's Sufrage .
2 Comments Add your own
What time period was this photo taken? How does it apply to your topic? More explanation, please!
I love it that you took the time to post an image from the Library of Congress. It is hard to believe today that anyone could have been sent to prison just because they wanted the right to vote. I suppose anyone who protests against an injustice runs the risk of prison, depending on the tactics used.
The title of your post confuses me a bit. Do you think that’s because it’s hard to separate suffrage from suffering? Two words, two very different meanings!